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Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) is designed to attract persons with managerial, professional and technical skills to New Zealand. Thus the policy is suited for those who have post-secondary education and work experience.
“A person will need a job or a job offer from a New Zealand employer to qualify. From February 2023, the minimum hourly rate required is $29.66. You will also need to meet 180 points”
SMC is a point’s based system. Points are allocated for age, qualifications, work experience, job offer etc,. The application process is two-fold: lodging of an expression of interest (EOI) (first stage) and if invited by Immigration to apply for residence (ITA), filing of the residence application (second stage) All applicants except dependant children must meet the English language requirement. For the principal applicant, an overall score of 6.5 in IELTS are required (other tests such OET, TOEFL etc., are also accepted). Those who have completed a bachelor degree or post graduate qualifications in New Zealand are deemed to have met the English language requirement. Partners are required to score 5 in IELTS . If points are claimed for partner's qualification, then the score required is 6.5 in IELTS. Other English language test reports are also acceptable.
Only one application is required for the whole family. Family means your spouse and children. Your parents cannot be included in the application. You need to meet certain other requirements including minimum standards of English, acceptable standards of health and character requirements. If you have medical issues, you need a medical waiver to be accepted. Similarly, if you have convictions, to succeed a character waiver is required.
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One-off Resident Visa for primary sector roles. Processing times for skilled migrant residence applications Essential Skills Work Visa- Impact of COVID-19
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