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Work visa

Short-term business Visas

Business people who wish to enter New Zealand for the purpose of undertaking business consultation or negotiations to establish or expand a business enterprise in New Zealand you be eligible for a special business visitor visa. Similiarly sales representatives of overseas companies having presence in New Zealand may also qualify for this special visa.

Senior business executives of overseas companies having a New Zealand subsidiary can come to New Zealand to work on short term projects in New Zealand. Senior managers, executives and specialist personnel of multinational companies will also be eligible for special work visas, if they are seconded to New Zealand as an intra-corporate transferree.

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Immigration News

One-off Resident Visa for primary sector roles. Processing times for skilled migrant residence applications Essential Skills Work Visa- Impact of COVID-19

Disclaimer: Information provided in this website is designed to provide basic information on the law only. The information should not be construed to be legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Information in this website may not always be updated. We recommend you contact us to receive up-to-date information and advice.